Identify an Intern: Bryce Chambers

Welcome to the first edition of Identify an Intern. Similar to a Subscriber Spotlight, this is a unique honor bestowed upon only the most hard working interns or the ones willing to pay the $2,500 article fee. I’ll let you guess how Bryce “money bagz” Chambers got his article written.

Bryce Mathison Chambers was born one day. However, he isn’t special. No, he was born at the same moment as 2 other dudes. Yep, do the math, the guy is a triplet. Though not unique in birth, Bryce does have the unique identifier of being the only intern to never be fired. Long time subscribers know how rare this is. Previous interns are blocked from commenting on articles or they would back up these claims.

BM is our Content Intern. He gets the privilege of peeking at the issues before anyone else. He answers Seinfeld’s titular question, “Is this anything?” He will be graduating from The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga this fall and received his final 3 credit hours by being the Content Intern! He will be wearing the “DD” sash when walking the graduation stage in honor of this.

Growing up in Tennessee his whole life, Chambers is somehow an Alabama football fan, a Patriots fan, a Mets fan, and a Lakers fan. Claiming to not be a bandwagon fan of anyone, it does call into question his sense of loyalty as he willingly avoids adversity in his fandom. All jokes aside, he has been the second hardest working person at the Daily Dispatch offices. Always quick with a “yessir”, I know I can count on him to do his job to the best of his abilities. That said, per Chloe B., a recent addition to the sales team, he is not punctual and “tends to be rude to others.” 

So, if any of you see Bryce out and about, say, “Hey Bryce!” He may respond with “My name is Cooper” because again, he is a triplet and he and his brother look alike. However, if you see the real Bryce, he will greet you with a wave and a smile. Please use the above picture for reference on what Bryce looks like (right side of picture).

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