
The Story Behind The Daily Dispatch.

“You wake up full of crap and have to let it out throughout the day.” -Brenden David, Spotify singer songwriter, friend, roommate for multiple years. He’s right. 
Originally the Business Briefing, I started writing as a way to get my thoughts and observations out.  The Daily Dispatch has grown into a more long form version. Each issue will be a mixture of thoughts, experiments, and articles I find interesting and hope you will too. My goal is to entertain you, show you fascinating things, and explore different ideas together. Subscribers get The Daily Dispatch sent to their email every Friday morning. They get bonus content and an opportunity to be part of the issues. Thank you to everyone who has been part of the journey so far. 
If you’re new here, subscribe today and be a part of the process! 
All my love,
-Seth Winton

What People Say

"The great Jimmy V once said "If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day." If this is the case, then any day started by reading the Daily Dispatch has a strong chance of being a heck of a day. I certainly expected to laugh and think when I subscribed but was not prepared for the occasional tear. A great way to start my Fridays."
Andrew Card
VIP Subscriber
"I would be dead, in the hospital, or in prison if it wasn’t for the Daily Dispatch. This newsletter has brought me to tears and has had me curled over in laughter. It is the only reason I wake up on Friday mornings. If Seth Winton had not shared his creativity to the world, then the grass would not be as green and the sky not as blue. The Daily Dispatch is a treasured gem which I eagerly share with my friends and a piece of art which transforms me weekly."
Austin Mallory
“I've only read one of them so far.”
Conner Walker
"I don't believe I did anything wrong. Someone has to speak truth to power and it seems Mr. Winton is not willing to hear it. He is a power hungry, selfish, evil man. His newsletters are very good though. I no longer am employed by The Daily Dispatch, but am still subscribed."
Name Redacted
Fired Intern
"Great read!"
Niki Winton
Supportive Wife
"How did you get my email address?"
Jimmy Fallon
Guy with Microphone
"Nothing like the smell of satire in the morning” are words my grandfather used to tell me when he was reading the Daily Dispatch. Just kidding, I don’t have a grandpa anymore. But what’s not a joke is how good The Daily Dispatch is. Reading TDD while drinking a cup of espresso every Friday morning has become one of my favorite rituals. Words of wisdom, jokes, and heartfelt moments are what make TDD so good."
Tanner Murdock

Meet Your Hosts

Humble enough to admit failure in Issue 8, but prideful enough to start a newsletter and write an issue entirely about himself. Seth Winton writes what’s on his mind and heart. 

Owner of one square foot of land in Scotland, Lord Winton owns 0 square feet in the United States as he is in an apartment at the time of writing. Please subscribe so he can purchase a home and write more silly articles for you.


Seth Winton

We hire and fire a new intern almost every week. If you can’t find the problem, the problem is probably you. We find a problem with every intern so clearly we’re good.

If you’re interested, please subscribe and send a sample of your work, a video of you doing a fun skill, or drop off a flattering letter by one of our offices!