Issue 2: A Riddle A Day

"Words are free. It's how you use them that may cost you."

Rev. J. Martin

Toby Keith said it best, “A little less talk and a lot more action.” Last week’s Daily Dispatch© had a “obnoxiously long and needless” introduction per one former subscriber. Toby Keith also said, “We’ll put a boot in your ass, it’s the American way.” So, I kicked them out of our exclusive club.

I have heard it said, “Less is more.” Haters will say I talk too much. All I’m saying is sometimes you need to paint a picture with your words and a picture is worth a thousand words. Very seldom will you reach the end of one of these and think it was a waste of time. Every now and then, I go too long even for my tastes. To be honest, last week was one of those times. Okay, okay, I will begin to wrap this up. People have told me talking too much usually means you’re trying to hide something. Obviously, I have nothing to hide. Or do I? Perfect example, look at the first letter of every sentence in this paragraph.

Hand Selected Articles From Me To You

We have a large number of new subscribers this week. For the old heads who have been here since day one, you are still loved and special. For newbies, welcome aboard! You can cross off “Being more informed”, “Becoming richer” (If you buy one or more shares of Actual Seth Shares), and “Finding the meaning of life” from your New Year’s Resolutions simply by being a reader of the Daily Dispatch. Alright you scoundrels, I’ve held your attention long enough. Go out there and crush this Friday. It’s the freakin’ weekend after all.
All My Love,
Seth Winton

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