Issue 30: The Daily Drip

"Fashion fades, only style remains the same."

Coco Chanel

Good Morning, 

“Who are you wearing?!” “OMG you look totally fresh! Who are you wearing?” “Women want you and men want to be you simply because of your outfit, who are you wearing?” These are the kind of questions I was asked last weekend at the Newslettys (Annual award show for newsletter writers) where we won best new newsletter (a year or less in publication), Most typos, and Most likely to be canceled over fake sponsor lawsuits. Needless to say, we rocked that award show. That said, I had only prepared one speech but had to give one for all 3 awards. Fortunately, people were too distracted by my outfit to notice it was the same speech 3 times.

What was I wearing? You’ll have to stay tuned to find out. 

GaGa famously wore the meat dress. Kim K wore Marilyn Monroe’s dress. Yet it was I, silly ole’ Seth, who has caused the most stir with my outfit. This might come as a surprise to you. Either that or you think this is all made up. Two things we know to be true: most days you can catch me wearing jeans and a plain white t-shirt, and I tend to make up silly little stories for this newsletter. Maybe the Newslettys aren’t real. Maybe they are. I’m just gonna leave this here and let you decide that for yourself:

What I can confirm as true, however, is there is a new fashion trend sweeping the nation, nay, the world. You see early one morning, long before the sun would rise yet after my first cup of coffee, a brilliant idea hit me. I immediately pulled out my pen that I always keep in my pocket and began to scribble out the idea on a napkin so I wouldn’t forget. Fortunately for me, my pen is The Astronaut Pen.

That is legitimately the pen I have (thank you Cole) and the pen that brought to life your wishes and desires. You see, that pen drew the picture you see below. The picture you see below became the shirt I wore to the Newslettys. The shirt I wore to the Newsletty’s, and the response I received became the foundation for The Daily Drip – The Official Fashion Line of The Daily Dispatch. 

That’s right ladies and gentlemen. After months of raising capital through various sponsors, begging for donations, and one good ole fashion lemonade stand, I have raised enough money to launch official Daily Dispatch merch. This has been asked for and begged for since nearly as long as people have been asking for a podcast (not happening soon). I know a lot of you didn’t think this day would come. In fact, I had doubters as recently as last night. 


Not only did I create designs (each one was made on a napkin), but I sourced materials and built an Etsy store because I am truly a creative. The wait is over. It’s time for some merch. 

This is the classic, but there are many more designs for you to choose from. It had to be done. I’m going to stop the writing now. There will be featured articles, and an outro like normal, but the link is below. Enjoy, and remember, most of you were paid today or yesterday from your jobs. Maybe treat yourself to a shirt or two. 

Hand Selected Articles From Me To You

I imagine few of you made it here. If you did, thank you. You are probably the type of person who will find some of the hidden jokes on the Daily Drip store. All jokes aside, this feels like a dream come true to have people enjoy reading what I write enough to literally buy in to the process. There are a few of you who not only read every week, but interact, give your thoughts, or even walk up to my desk demanding answers on those weeks where issues don’t come. Thank you thank you thank you.

All My Love,

Seth Winton

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