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Issue 39: Life Happens In Between

I’m still in the “in-between”.

Issue 38: Seeing Double

Even if the afterimages of who we used to be are reductive, outdated, and insulting, they tie together who we are, who we used to be, and who we might become.

Issue 26: Bending the Truth

Have you seen The Blind Side?

Issue 25: Learn Nothing

"I choose not to learn from my experiences."

Issue 23: Money Can't Buy Happiness

It can buy a jet ski though

Issue 22: My First Love

It's called passion, ever heard of it?

Issue 15: A Land Without Law

Communal, tribal, radical: Talladega

Issue 14: Who am I?

Wouldn't you like to know?

Issue 13: Wanna Collab?

You and me and me and you

Issue 11: New Country, Who Dis?

I mean… It’s about time for a revolution. Right?

Issue 10: How To Fall In Love

Love is not prescriptive.

Issue 9: We Fixed Sports

Nothing will be the same again

Issue 8: Your Life as an Excel Spreadsheet

Can you analyze your way to happy?

Issue 7: Breaking AI

Showing ChatGPT who is smarter